Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another thing that makes you go hmmmmmmmmmm

So I have this neighbor. When she first moved in I befriended her.Soon after befriending her I found out that she had a child that lived with her mother and according to her it was because her ex husband had molested her. She then preceded to tell me that she could not bring herself to turn him in. However, her mother caught this girls husband in the act and turned him in.

Keep in mind that this woman is pregnant and has 2 other children. Well soon I would see her physically fighting, cursing and breaking things etc.. with her mother while her children screamed and watched. Then she would get into fist fights, choking matches, hit her boyfriend in the head with anything she could and even put his head threw pictures all in front of her children (while they screamed).

Then she began telling us that her boyfriend was hooked on herroine and she would ask us for rides to go check on him.

I blocked her phone and cut ties with her. After I blocked her phone she began telling the neighbors horrible things about us. ( fortunately these neighbors were my freidns and they knew better and they told me).

However, soon she befriended my daughter. She began using my daughter's cell phone to text her boyfriend (trying to set him up) well when he answered what he thought was my daughter, the rage began.

Once she took her rage out on my daughter, my daughter would text her boyfriend telling him everything that she did wrong.

This girl began harassing myself and my daughter. We would walk down the street and she would say things such as "that's it bitch, keep on walkin" ". Then her boyfriend cornered my daughter at a local store threatening her.

I went outside and asked them why they were threatening my daughter. She told me because my daughter was texting her boyfriend . My reply was "whatever" this shit needs to stop. She began screaming things at me such as F--- you, I stayed calm and said don't F--- you me. Then she screamed kiss my a--. I still remained calm and told her that there was not enough time in the day to kiss all of that. Her boyfriend then stood up and told me to go inside. I told him that "it was my yard and that all I did was ask a question, it was his woman that was going nuts."

I then told her to take a look at what she was teaching her children.

Well then my daughter called the cops hoping to end all of the harassment.

well....................... instead she filed a protection order on myself and my daughter stating that I threatened and harrassed her. I HARASSED HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? wtf


So now she has opened a can of worms that she should not have opened. She made false accusations about me, is taking me to court over them and I have hired a lawyer to file libel and slander charges.

Plus since she said I was harassing her and it was not true , it will be now. Now every time the fighting starts, I will "call the cops", Every time I see her drinking alcohol while pregant I will "call children services",Every time I know the people who her boyfriend does drugs with are visiting the home, " I will call the cops.

Moral of the story: Do not say someone is harassing you that is not and file charges because if you do it to the wrong person, the harassment will begin. You will see more cops than you ever dreamed of and you will be charged with filing false criminal charges........................

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