Monday, March 1, 2010

HMMMMMMMMM they walk amongst us

I like to think that all of us conform to standards of what is right or just in behavior. I tend to try to see the good in everybody. However, on February 28, 2010 I was shown that there are people here in West Virginia who fail to have any morals whatsoever. My husband was at work at Little Caesars Pizza in Kanawha City. While in work someone hit his car doing some major damage to it. Did this person come in and apologize or even tell him that they had hit his car? No they did not. How could this person walk around in our city with a smile on his, or her face knowing that he, or she severely damaged our car have not once ounce of remorse for doing so? Only God knows.

I would like to say something to the person who hit my husband’s car and walked away as if nothing ever happened. You are a coward. Little bump or big bump it is your responsibility as a motorist to do the right thing. Think about how you would feel if the situation was reversed.

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