Sunday, February 7, 2010

You Bring Your Car in We'll Drop It Off

There is a new Automotive Shop in Kanawha City Called "The Pit Stop". They had only been open for 3 days when my daughter's boyfriend decided to bring them some business and get a belt changed on his car.

Approximately 10 or 15 minutes after taking his car in they took him aside to ask him if he wanted to sell his car. Brandon told them no he had just bought it. The guy replies well buddy I dropped your car off of the lift.

Ok here is the worst of it. First Brandon still owed $3,200.00 on the car. The "Pit Stop " owner tried offering him $1,500.00. When Brandon said no the owner then said that his insurance company had offered him $600.00 for the car.

Brandon tried being civil and working it out between them and when the men from the "Pit Stop" kept laughing about it Brandon then said he was just going to get a lawyer and take it to the newspaper. He said clearly" I want $5,000.00".

$3,200.00 for what i owe and $1,800.00 to get another car since you totalled mine and I am a pizza delivery driver.

Brandon brought the guy who OWNS the car with him and they refused to speak to him. He OWNS the car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then and only then did the guys listen. They wrote him a check for $5,000.00. He is waiting to see if the check bounces. If it does all of this will be brought to a lawyer and sent to the local newspaper.

Oh BTW while they were there the "Pit Stop" had messed up two other people's cars in three days time.

Keep posted for update......................

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