Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do you eat sitting on the toilet?

Well in Taiwan they do! Yummy, a toilet themed restaurant where you can eat a desert called “bloody poop” (strawberry sundae) and other disgustingly named foods.

Toilet themed restaurants in Taiwan
Toilet themed restaurants are not something new in Taiwan; it has been around since 2004 (or earlier) with people dining in a toilet like environment and eating from a mini toilet bowl.

I always thought that the business idea won’t last long; but with the recent exposure by foreign press and bloggers, it seems that these eateries are becoming a bizarre-food icon from Taiwan… something like eating fugu in Japan and live octopus in Korea.

Below are some pictures from Modern Toilet, a food chain that operates 12 toilet themed restaurants in Taiwan; these pics are from its outlet in Shilin, Taipei…

A toilet-themed restaurant is proving a huge draw for customers in Taiwan, eager to eat food off plates and bowls shaped like western loo seats and Japanese "squat" toilets.

Marton Theme Restaurant, named after the Chinese word "Matong" for toilet, has become a hit in Taiwan's second largest city since its opening in May 2004. Though bathroom decor seems a bizarre way to whet the appetites of diners, the idea has been so successful owner Eric Wang opened a second and bigger branch just seven months later. "We not only sell food but also laughter. The food is just as good as any restaurant but we offer additional fun," says 26-year-old Wang, who gave up a career in banking to launch the business. "Most customers think the more disgusting and exaggerated (the restaurant is), the funnier the dining experience is," he says.

The top orders are curry hot pot, curry chicken rice and chocolate ice cream because, well, "they look most like the real thing", Wang says. The price ranges from 150 to 250 Taiwan dollars ($6 - $10) for a meal set including soup and ice cream. Customers, however, flock to Marton Restaurant mainly for its quirky dining wares and interior decor. "This is such a funny and strange restaurant," says patron Chen Bi-fang, while sitting atop a colorful toilet seat - the standard chair at the restaurant. She sits by a table converted from a bathtub with a glass cover while looking at a wall decorated with neon-lit faucets and urinals turned into lamps. Chen first came to the restaurant after seeing it featured on television and has brought nine co-workers along for lunch on her second visit. "I think this is the most special restaurant I've ever been to. The menu also looks good and I'd like to try more next time," says newcomer Cheng Hung-chi, who found out the restaurant over the Internet and took her mother and brother with her.

"There's poop everywhere! Y-u-c-k," says 6-year-old Jordan Lien as he and his family dine at the Modern Toilet, a popular Taiwanese restaurant chain that's expanding into China and other parts of Asia. The boy was looking at the poop-shaped lights and dish covers and the curry on toilet-shaped plates.

Diarrhea for dinner? That's the point. "It's supposed to shock and confuse the senses," says Modern Toilet manager Chen Min-kuang. But as Jennifer Finch, an American who was dining there, described it, "They do it tastefully. It's all very clean." (See the top 10 food trends of 2008.)

Every customer sits on a stylish acrylic toilet (lid down) designed with images of roses, seashells or Renaissance paintings. Everyone dines at a glass table with a sink underneath. The servers bring your meal atop a mini toilet bowl (quite convenient, as it brings the food closer to your mouth), you sip drinks from your own plastic urinal (a souvenir), and soft-swirl ice cream arrives for dessert atop a dish shaped like a squat toilet. (See nine kid foods to avoid.)

I went there on a Wednesday evening, and the place was packed with students and families who were having a jolly time eating out of the john. "It's very progressive and irreverent, like a practical joke," says junior high school teacher Chen Kin-hsiang, who went because her students raved about it. "It's a little gross when you see other people eat," she says, "but when you're eating, you don't notice it, 'cause you're hungry and the aroma is appetizing." Smell is one poop-like quality the chef does without. (See pictures of China on the wild side.)

The reasonably priced food includes curries, pasta, fried chicken and Mongolian hot pot, as well as elaborate shaved-ice desserts with names like "diarrhea with dried droppings" (chocolate), "bloody poop" (strawberry) and "green dysentery" (kiwi). Despite the disturbing descriptions, the desserts were great. But after seeing curry drip down a mini-toilet, I may never have that sauce again. (See pictures of what makes you eat more food.)

The Chinese can take this, Finch muses, because they are more nonchalant about bodily functions, such as burping, farting or even going to the bathroom — an act performed squatting sans doors in some places in China. But many Westerners enjoy the novelty of toilet dining too. Chris and Julia Harris took their visiting mother, who they say is obsessive-compulsive about cleanliness, to "freak her out," but she had a great time (though she refused to drink out of a urinal). The only people who have a hard time, says Chen, are the elderly who have exclaimed, "I will not eat on the toilet!" (Folding chairs and normal dishware are available for the faint of heart.) (Read "The Science of Appetite.)

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I am excited now!!!! I can now eat Edible Excretions while sitting on a toilet. So I guess you can say I can now eat poop and poop at the same time!!!! What innovation. I can't wait to see what they next century bring me :-)

Naked man in cemetery: I was admiring flowers

Ind. golfer says wet underwear prompted him to strip at in-laws’ grave

ELKHART, Ind. - A 51-year-old man told a police officer he was naked in a cemetery because he had taken off his wet clothes after checking on his in-laws' grave and then wanted a closer look at some flowers.

The officer was off duty and jogging through Rice Cemetery in Elkhart Sunday afternoon when he saw the naked man get into a truck and drive away.

The officer later tracked down the Mishawaka man from his license plate number.

The man said he had been golfing all day and that he undressed in his truck because his underwear was wet.

He said he left his truck naked to look at the flowers because he did not have his glasses.

He was arrested on a preliminary misdemeanor charge of public indecency.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this man ads new meaning to stop and smell the roses..........

Visa card surprise: $23,148,855,308,184,500

Company cites 'temporary programming error' for 17-digit charges

MANCHESTER, N.H. - Some Visa cardholders were surprised to find that recent purchases cost them a little more than expected — $23 quadrillion, plus change.

In New Hampshire, Josh Muszynski said he swiped his debit card at a gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes and when he later checked his account online found that he had been charged the 17-digit number — a stunning $23,148,855,308,184,500.

In North Texas, Jon Seale saw the same 17-figure bill on his credit card statement, presumably for a meal July 13 at a restaurant owned by celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck, NBC affiliate KXAS TV reported.

"For that amount of money, I could actually own Wolfgang Puck himself," Seale said.

Seale said he spent much of Tuesday making calls to Visa and his bank, Wachovia, in hopes of getting the exorbitant charge removed from his Wachovia Visa Buxx credit card. "It's an inconvenience, but it's not like I was truly worried my money was gone," he said. "It’s an obvious, glaring error."

Seale even tried tracking down Puck "on Facebook and add him as a friend to see if he’d make a comment, but I didn’t have any luck finding him."

Muszynski, for his part, said he spent two hours on the phone with his bank, Bank of America, trying to sort out the string of numbers and the $15 overdraft fee. The bank corrected the error the next day.

Visa said a technical glitch caused the trouble, but it did not say exactly how many accounts were affected.

"A temporary programming error at Visa Debit Processing Services caused some transactions to be inaccurately posted to a small number of Visa prepaid accounts," Visa spokeswoman Elvira Swanson said in a written statement. "The technical glitch has been corrected, and all erroneous postings have been removed."

Visa later elaborated that "fewer than 13,000" transactions were affected.

A Visa representative said affected customers will have any overdraft fees removed.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I think I would have had the biiggest panic attack ever !!!!!!!

3 accused of letting rats chew toes off Ohio baby

Three people have been accused of letting rats bite a 6-week-old girl and chew off her toes at their cluttered Ohio mobile home.

Pike County prosecutor Rob Junk says the baby's toes on one foot were gone when sheriff's deputies went to the home Sunday after receiving an anonymous tip.

The baby is in fair condition at a Columbus hospital.

A married couple and the 18-year-old boyfriend of the baby's mother are charged with felony child endangering. They were in court for an initial hearing Tuesday. They're jailed pending a plea hearing in two weeks.

The prosecutor says they all lived in the mobile home west of Piketon, a village noted for its old uranium enrichment plant.

He says the baby's mother is a juvenile. He won't identify her or say if she'll be charged.

Ok I have never done Meth in my life and I never intend to. But hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm does this stuff make you deaf and blind? Can you not hear your baby scream as the rats chew off her toes, when changing her diapers (if they even did) did you not see that the babys toes were not only bleeding but missing?

I cannot even begin to tell you what I think when I hear stories like this. Juvenile or not you have just commited a crime in my eyes that is inexcusable!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the phyciatric ward will give them lots of good drugs NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

W.Va. doctors worry about painkiller ban

By Tom Breen
The Associated Press

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Patients getting treated for pain could face short-term difficulties if the federal government implements a proposed rule that would ban some of the most popular prescription painkillers.
The Food and Drug Administration is considering a proposal by a panel of experts to prohibit a range of medications that combine narcotic drugs with acetaminophen, which is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S.
That ban would include popular brand-name drugs like Vicodin, Lortab and Percocet along with generic versions.
Drugs like the first two, which blend acetaminophen with hydrocodone, are among the most commonly prescribed pain medications in the country. In 2006, there were nearly 131 million prescriptions written for products containing hydrocodone, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, with the majority containing acetaminophen.
A ban, however, could have unintended consequences for people who rely on those medications, especially in states like West Virginia, which has one of the highest rates of use of prescription painkillers in the country, according to the DEA.
"The problem is, we use Vicodin and medications like that to treat what's classified as moderate pain," said Dr. Alvin "Woody" Moss, a professor at the West Virginia University School of Medicine and the director of the West Virginia Center for End of Life Care.
"Medications that are used for more severe pain might not be appropriate for those patients," he said. "It might be too much, it might make them sick, there are a number of factors to consider."
The panel's recommendation is based on the liver damage that can occur when people take overdoses of acetaminophen. The risk is increased when people mix prescription medications with over-the-counter products like Tylenol, which also contains acetaminophen.
"Taking more than the recommended amount can cause liver damage, ranging from abnormalities in liver function blood tests, to acute liver failure, and even death," according to the FDA.
In the long run, Moss said, a ban could be helpful by drawing attention to the potential hazards of combination medications and by spurring the development of new products.
Hydrocodone, for example, is not available except in combination with other drugs, mostly acetaminophen. One possible result of a ban, Moss said, could be the development of stand-alone hydrocodone products, but the lag before that happens could be frustrating for people in pain.
"It's going to make it much harder for people with pain to get treatment," said Penney Cowan, executive director of the American Chronic Pain Association.
The group plans to launch a multimedia guide to pain medication on its Web site in September with an eye toward educating people about combination products and other factors that many patients might overlook.
"When it comes down to it, it's about the user, it's not the medication," Cowan said.
The range of treatments available for people in pain, though, might mean an FDA ban has a less drastic effect, according to University of Charleston pharmacy professor Michael O'Neil.
"Bottom line, a good doctor is going to work with the patient and find the appropriate treatment," said O'Neil, who is also chairman of the state's Controlled Substance Advisory Board.
West Virginia not only has a high rate of prescription drug use, it's also been plagued by the diversion and abuse of painkillers like OxyContin and hydrocodone products. A study published in December in the Journal of the American Medical Association put the state's prescription drug related fatal overdose rate at roughly 16 deaths per 100,000 residents, more than twice the national average.
A ban on painkillers containing acetaminophen, though, would be unlikely to improve the problems with abuse and addiction, O'Neil and Moss say.
"Abuse and diversion will continue, it just means the drug that people are abusing the most is going to change," Moss said.

Well the two most popular drugs of choice here in WV are Meth and prescription pills with prescription pills killing hundreds yearly. Rather than monitoring who gets these pain meds, learning to say "NO" to those who do not have an absolute need for them ,we will just ban them all together. Ok look out WV the Meth labs are going to triple in size and we may even see more new homemade "cheap" drugs hit the streets.

Hmmmmmm I figured out just how hard it is for a person who has no money to get any type of "free" drug and alcohol treatment here. Maybe we should educate the public on the risks involved in taking these drugs.

Since sending the message that they are killing themselves does not seem to faze manyy of them let's show them that their teeth will fall out, they will be peeing and pooping in a bag for the rest of their lives, that they will eventually have no hair, that their children will be without parents etc.. Whatever it takes to hit home. And then let's offer free drug and alcohol counseling in abundance.

Let's make it easier for those who love them to perform mental hygeines on them and let's enforce keeping them in long term treatment rather than letting them walk after 5 days.

Recently a friend of mine lost her son to a prescription pill overdose. (Just this week actually). She stated to me that she had begged her son (who left 2 children behind) to get help. When I asked her if she had ever done a mental hygeine on him, she had no idea what that was................ EDUCATE ! EDUCATE! Not just those abusing them, but the families and freinds who love them.

Do not sit by and watch them die. Step in, intervene, take action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you Jos and I wish you would have been educated on how to save your son's life before it was too late......................

Rescuers looking for possible drowning victim in Kanawha

BELLE, W.Va. -- Emergency crews were looking for the body of a possible drowning victim who went under the water late Thursday afternoon near Belle, although police couldn't say for sure if anyone went in the river.
A fisherman said he saw someone trying to swim across the Kanawha River west of the locks in Belle with a beach ball around 3 p.m., but he lost sight of the swimmer, according to Kanawha County Metro 911.
Emergency divers from Belle and Charleston were involved in the search.

Rescue efforts were discontinued for this man after finding nothing because hey they do not even know if this person got out.(This is right behind my place of employment)

But I ask myself, why the #$%@%^!! would a person take a beachball and swim in the Kanawha river that is polluted from the coal and chemical industries that exist here and swim where barges push coal through about every half our or so near a dam?????????????????????????????????????????????? When we have several public swimming ponds, pools etc.. that cost very little to swim in.

Well my other idiot for the week........................

Kanawha County health officials have sent letters to patients who might have been exposed to infectious diseases because of unsafe injection practice

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Kanawha County health officials have sent letters to 110 patients who might have been exposed to infectious diseases because of unsafe injection practices at a local pain clinic.
Local health officials and officials for the federal Centers for Disease Control began the investigation last month after six people who were injected at the Kanawha City clinic came down with staphylococcus infections, according to a statement issued Friday by the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department.
Two more probable cases of staph infections also were found. Some of the patients had to be hospitalized because of the infections, but all have recovered.
As a result, health officials sent letters to 110 other patients who got shots at the clinic between April 27 and May 13.
Sources familiar with the investigation said the doctor involved is Dr. J.K. Lilly at Appalachian Pain Therapy on MacCorkle Avenue in Kanawha City.
"I am cooperating fully with all parties involved," Lilly said when contacted Friday.
Dr. Rahul Gupta, chief health officer for the health department, said there was a very small chance the patients might have been exposed to hepatitis or the HIV virus because of improper injection techniques at the office.
"We probably will not know for months to come" whether anyone gets hepatitis or HIV, Gupta said.
Gupta said investigators found that a doctor apparently did not follow correct protocol in giving injections at the clinic, leading to "significant infection control breaches" at the facility.
Gupta said that because of confidentiality constraints, he would not identify the doctor or the medical practice.
"The people who needed to be notified have been notified," he said.
According to information kept by the West Virginia Board of Medicine, Lilly was publicly reprimanded in 2005 for allowing a 10-year-old boy to watch a medical procedure without the patient's consent. Board of Medicine records also show that Lilly was the subject of three medical malpractice actions, but two were dismissed.
Reach Rusty Marks at"> or 304-348-1215.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Maybe we should monitor these clinics BEFORE they perform unsafe practices????? We are looking at spending millions to do a healcare reform, how about reforming how the healcare system is monitored and saving patients themselves a large sum of money from having to recieve continued medical care due to malpractice?

Recently I was very ill myself. I visited the hospital where they immediately prescribed me the popular antibiotic "Bactrim". Rather than my infection getting better, it got worse. So much so that it had spread through other areas of my body.

I set off to my family doctor who performed a compatability test. Basically he told me that the infection that I had was resistent to the popular drug "Bactrim". Now if the hospital themselves would have performed this simpled quick test before prescribing me a drug that would not work, I would not have ended up recieving not only more medical care with my family physician but now more tests run at the hospital to see just how far the infection had spread and not to mention more prescription drugs.

Just think of how much money our health care sytem and patients would save if they "got it right " the first time.

Vandals torch 32 golf carts at Wheeling country club

Vandals torch 32 golf carts at Wheeling country club
By The Associated Press
WHEELING, W.Va. -- Vandals sneaked onto a golf course before dawn today, torched 32 golf carts, then tore up the greens before fleeing the Wheeling Country Club, its pro shop manager said.
A motorist spotted flames at the course around 4:30 a.m. and called the fire department, which arrived to find the carts in ruins, said golf professional Thomas Lindh.
"There's nothing left of them,'' he said. "They're less than I ever thought they could be.''
The carts had been parked together and connected by a cable alarm. That alarm sounded and alerted police, who also responded.
Lindh said it's unclear whether the offender cut the cable or it melted in the flames. He said he's been in the business about 20 years and has never seen anything like this.
A new golf cart costs $4,000 to $6,000, Lindh said, but the club's carts were about three years old. He estimates their value at $100,000 or more.
A call to investigators was not immediately returned.
Lindh said the greens sustained minor damage from vehicle tires, while furniture by the pool was damaged by heat.
Founded in 1902, the club sits next to Oglebay Park. It has about 300 members, many of who will be out of luck when it comes to getting a cart this weekend. Only 10 that had been stored elsewhere remain.
"This makes it a little tough,'' Lindh said. "We're going to have to rent some.''

Now what was going through their minds. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM "I think we will go torch some golf carts today that sounds like fun?"

Idle hands are the Devils playground....................

I have to say these are my chosen idiots of the day.......................

Woman run over, killed while standing in yard

Woman run over, killed while standing in yard
By Rusty Marks
Staff writer
GLEN MORGAN, W.Va. -- A Raleigh County woman was killed Thursday when she was run over by a runaway truck while standing in her yard.
Dianne L Wyatt, 53, of 103 Covington Drive in Glen Morgan, was standing in her yard at about 10 p.m. Thursday. Joshua C. Burnette, 25, of Pemberton lost control of his 1991 Chevrolet pickup truck on Sullivan Road, according to the Raleigh County Sheriff's Department.
According to Cpl T.L. Miles, the truck ended up in Wyatt's yard, hitting Wyatt and a 1992 Chevrolet Blazer occupied by Samantha Derringer, 22, of Beaver.
Wyatt was killed. Derringer was taken to a local hospital. Deputies continue to investigate.

HMMMMMM and the West Virginia Folks make fun of the Ohio Drivers. Well I lived in Ohio for most of my 23 year marriage and I never ran anybody over...............
Maybe WV needs more frequent and more widespread sobriety checkpoints?

Friday, July 10, 2009

People who should not be driving

I was driving to work last night. I was on an overpass and nearing the end when all of a sudden an SUV jumped the cement barrier in the middle of the road and landed right in front of me.Crashing his truck, blown out tire, torn off front end and sitting on a cement barrier this man did not stop there. He began continuously trying to get his truck off of this barrier.As he continued trying to move his truck, his truck began to fill with smoke.

Have you ever wanted to just walk up to someone and say stop you drunk idiot. Your truck is going nowhere and you are going to blow up if you keep doing that? I wanted to.

But I did not.I calmly approached his truck and first asked if he was OK, then I asked him to stop trying to move his truck and informed him that he was only going to start it on fire and that breathing all of that smoke was going to hurt him.I then asked him nicely to come with me and sit on the curb. (after all no cars could get through, he was plum in the middle of the overpass).

I did not tell him that I had already called the police in fear that he would flee. The police arrived, he was promptly arrested for DUI and his truck was removed approximately 20 minutes later.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm think he had too much to drink?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Well let me start with this thing that made me go hmmmmm

The other day I set out to find a new doctor because I was unhappy with my current doctor. A coworker gave me the name of his doctor because he very much liked him. I called them to ask if they were accepting new patients and was immediately told no.

After hanging up I said hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Why did they not even ask me if I had insurance, where I worked etc.. just an automatic no.

So I called back. When I called back I informed the lady that I had just called and asked if they were accepting patients and was told that they were not.

I said " since you are not accepting patients at this time and since a coworker of mine at (my place of employment) referred me to doctor (-----) because he like him so much, I was wondering if you had a waiting list that my husband and I could be put on so that when you are accepting patients we can possibly become patients of doctor (------)."

Well , well, well much to my surprise the attitude changed immediately. The lady said "oh you have a referral from a coworker at(my place of employment) ?" "May I ask who referred you?"

After telling her who referred me and where I worked low and behold not only were accepted as patients immediately but I had an appointment that week.

my hmmm for the day "It's all about the money honey"

Once they knew WHERE I worked, Once they knew that I made good money and had great insurance it was ok to accept me as a patient.